Whiplash Injury, Whiplash Exercises, and Whiplash Stretches
Whiplash Rehab & Stretches with the NecksLevel Glide

What is Neck Whiplash Rehabilitation?
Neck stiffness & neck pain after a whiplash injury is common but treatable. Specific neck stretching & strengthening exercises are important for relieving pain, stiffness, and having a full recovery.

Whiplash Rehab Info:
What are the best neck exercises after a whiplash injury?
A combination of gentle neck stretches & neck strengthening exercises is best for recovering from a neck whiplash injury. We'll walk you through our recommendations in this blog.
Do whiplash rehab exercises help with my neck stiffness & pain?
The short answer is yes. Doctors commonly recommend specific neck exercises for whiplash rehab. The right neck exercises reduce neck pain and improve neck motion without aggravating your symptoms.
What is the NecksLevel? Is it good for Whiplash rehab?
The NecksLevel Glide & Glide Pro are neck strengthening & stretching devices invented by Doctors of Physical Therapy to help people with neck injuries.
NecksLevels are specially designed for gentle neck rehab exercise in pain-free positions.

NecksLevel Glide
Relieve pain & improve mobility with the ideal whiplash rehab tool. Pain-free exercises guaranteed to eliminate & prevent neck pain.
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Whiplash Rehab: Simplified with NecksLevel
3 Neck Stretching & Strengthening Exercises for Whiplash Neck Pain Relief
1. Stretch Left & Right
STRETCH MODE: No resistance band
Difficulty with head turns left and right is common after whiplash injury. This rotation stretch helps unwind neck stiffness and improves side-to-side neck motion.
2. Strengthen Up & Down
STRENGTH MODE: Yellow (Level 1)
This motion is commonly overlooked following whiplash. The chin tuck motion strengthens the deep neck flexors - an important muscle group for good posture & pain relief.
3. Strengthen Left & Right
STRENGTH MODE: Yellow (Level 1)
Whiplash injuries cause neck weakness and muscle atrophy. Reverse these effects & prevent future injury by strengthening the rotation muscles like you see here.
Exercise Protocol for Neck Whiplash Injuries
This video shows our full recommended whiplash rehab program on the NecksLevel Glide & Glide Pro
FAQs - Whiplash Injuries
How long does it take to fully recover from a neck whiplash injury?
This depends on the severity of the whiplash injury. For less severe cases (fender benders, falls, etc.) you can expect 2-4 weeks. However for more severe cases such as high speed car crashes, the recovery window can be several weeks to months.
Is the NecksLevel good for neck whiplash rehab?
Yes. From professional sports teams, physical therapy clinics, and to people at home just like you, the NecksLevel Glide and NecksLevel Glide Pro are the tools of choice for neck whiplash rehab. Trust the hundreds of medical professionals using NecksLevel with their patients & athletes.
Do whiplash injuries damage the neck?
Straining of the neck muscles is common during a whiplash injury, but will heal with time and rehab. For more severe whiplash injuries, the ligaments of the neck may be sprained as well. Having your medical provider check for neck fractures may also be important in moderate to severe cases.
Do I need to get an X-ray after a neck whiplash injury?
For this, your medical provider should check the Canadian C-Spine Rules. Here are some of the basics for determining if someone needs a neck X-ray:
-65 years old or older
-Experienced a Dangerous Mechanism (fall from a height, axial load to the head, high speed car crash)
-Have paresthesias (numbness/tingling) in the arms/legs
This is a decision for a skilled medical provider. Don't feel like you need to make this decision yourself.
Is it safe to turn my head after a whiplash neck injury?
Please read the question and answer above: "Do I need to get an X-ray after a neck whiplash injury?"
Assuming you do not have a neck fracture or other severe injuries, it is safe to move your head, although it may be painful. Providers like physical therapists will suggest doing gentle stretches to begin improving your neck range of motion, provided it is not too painful.
What are the best types of stretches for whiplash rehab?
What are the best neck exercises for whiplash rehab?
How does the NecksLevel help with whiplash rehabilitation?
The NecksLevel Glide & NecksLevel Glide Pro are neck stretchers, and neck strengtheners all in one. The quick-change resistance bands make progressing your strength effortless. Plus, the gravity-eliminated neck exercises make it comfortable and easy to get out of neck pain and put your whiplash injury in the rearview mirror.
Written by:

Dr. Scott Dickenson, DPT, ATC
Physical Therapist
Scott is an Orthopedic Physical Therapist specializing in neck pain with nearly a decade of clinical experience. He regularly speaks at national Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, & Chiropractic conferences on neck injuries & rehab in sport.
NecksLevel Glide
"Like having a Physical Therapist in your home"
Eliminate neck pain for good with the all-in-one device for neck strengthening & stretching. Glide’s adjustable resistance, compact design, and the patented smooth glider delivers you fast & effective results.
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