Discounts & Promo Codes | NecksLevel
NecksLevel's current discounts & offers:
Welcome to the NecksLevel Discounts and Promo Page! Here you'll find any active discounts and codes on NecksLevel products so you can feel confident investing in your health.

NecksLevel Glide + Band Upgrade
While supplies last, get a free upgrade to the Advanced Resistance Band Set when you purchase a NecksLevel Glide ($40 savings)
Discount Code: BandUpgrade_NL!
*Add NecksLevel Glide & Advanced Resistance Band Set to your cart to get the free upgrade. Click below for code to be auto-applied.
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NecksLevel Glide Pro
Free 1-2 Day Shipping
For a limited time, get 1-2 day shipping on the NecksLevel Glide Pro ($50 savings)
Discount Code: FastShip_NL!
*Add NecksLevel Glide Pro to your cart and select Express shipping at checkout. Click below for code to be auto-applied.
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FAQs - NecksLevel Discounts & Codes
How long will these NecksLevel discount codes be available?
NecksLevel discount codes may be discontinued at anytime.
When will the NecksLevel Glide or Glide Pro go on sale?
We'll let you know when any of our products go on sale. Follow us @NecksLevel on Instagram and subscribe to our email and texts for alerts!
Where can I learn more about the NecksLevel Glide & Glide Pro?
To learn more about our neck pain relief products, click below: